Cara Memasak Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way) yang Gurih!

Kumpulan Resep Masakan INDONESIA

Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way). In Spain, café con leche is appropriate for any time of day. As a result, it can accompany a wide variety of foods. A well-rounded Spanish breakfast: café con leche plus toast with olive oil, crushed tomatoes, and sea salt.

Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way) I really, really adored the coffee. My middle-school Spanish class served me well enough to order "café con leche" (literally "coffee with milk") without hesitation. Prepare a delicious Spanish style café con leche with our easy recipe. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kalian dapat menghidangkan Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way) hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep enak sekali Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way)!

Bahan Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way)

  1. Siapkan 3 .sdm. kopi hitam (Nescafe black instant) (no iklan lho).
  2. Siapkan 500 .ml. air panas.
  3. Dibutuhkan 2 .sdm. SKM (klo suka manis bisa ditambah).
  4. Diperlukan 1 .sdt. gula pasir (klo suka manis bisa ditambah).
  5. Diperlukan Sejimpit. Garam halus (agar rasa ada gurih"nya).
  6. Diperlukan 250 .ml fresh milk / susu UHT (full cream).
  7. Gunakan 50 .ml. evaporated milk /susu evaporasi (skip klo tdk ada).

This coffee with steamed milk is how Spaniards like to start the day! This type of roast makes dark, strong coffee. Skip the coffee that comes in a can. The grind is probably too large and the quality of the coffee beans themselves is.

Langkah-langkah membuat Iced Café Con leche // Spanish Iced Coffee (my way)

  1. Dalam cangkir masukkan kopi hitam, seduh dengan air panas, aduk rata, biarkan hingga dingin, jika sudah dingin tuang dalam cetakan es batu, taruh di freezer dan biarkan hingga beku..
  2. Sementara sambil menunggu hasil kopi membeku, ambil mangkuk lain, lalu masukkan fresh milk, SKM, gula pasir, susu evaporasi, dan sejimpit garam, aduk aduk rata, hingga smua larut. Test rasa ya, jika suka lebih manis bisa ditambah SKM atau gula pasirnya, sesuaikan selera. lalu Simpan dalam kulkas dan biarkan hingga dingin..
  3. Ambil gelas saji, taruh beberapa kopi yg sudah beku, (sesuaikan selera saja sedikit banyaknya) lalu tuang campuran susu dingin tadi.test rasa, klo suka rasa kopi yg strong, bisa ditambah lgi jumlah kopi bekunya, Aduk rata, dan enjoy segelas Es Kopi ala Spanyol bisa kita nikmati 🥤😉.

Café Solo - espresso Café Doble - double espresso Café con Leche - coffee with milk, usually half and half proportionally, but it depends on the region Café Cortado - espresso with a dash of milk Café con Hielo - espresso with ice Carajillo - espresso with a drop of brandy, whiskey, or rum Trifásico. I've never done a recipe post before so this is exciting! I'm not a huge coffee drinker. I dislike the bitterness and prefer drinks that are sweeter. A Spanish Latte, also known as Café con Leche, originated from Spain and it tastes almost like a horchata latte.