Resep: Mee Pok (Pork) yang Gurih!

Kumpulan Resep Masakan INDONESIA.

Mee Pok (Pork). Guan's Mee Pok is not the usual minced pork and fishball kind of dishes. Instead, Ah Guan has brought our mee pok a level up and served it with fish maw and seafood. So his bowl will be more like Bak Chor Mee, with only minced pork and more vegetable added.

Mee Pok (Pork) The mee pok comes with lean pork slices, minced pork, prawn paste cube, scallop, lard crackling and fried fish strip toppings. Of all the toppings, I love the fried fish strips most because of their crispy. For those who are not familiar with Mee Pok Mee pok is a type of Chinese noodle that is flat and yellow, often varying in thickness and width. Kamu dapat menyiapkan Mee Pok (Pork) hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Mee Pok (Pork) yuk!

Bahan Mee Pok (Pork)

  1. Diperlukan Daging giling (ayam jg bisa).
  2. Diperlukan Sayur asin (yg gubis).
  3. Gunakan Kicap pekat.
  4. Diperlukan Sos tiram.
  5. Diperlukan Garam.
  6. Gunakan Lada putih.
  7. Siapkan Serbuk cabe (bsa ditambah).
  8. Gunakan Air.
  9. Siapkan Bawang goreng.

Just imagine chewy and bouncy egg noodles (mee pok or mee kia) are tossed with savory, tangy, spicy seasonings, pork lard, and topped with braised mushrooms, soft minced pork, sliced pork, meatballs. Very famous pork mee pok or flat noodle I was told. I like to come here once in a while for my mee pok/kia fix. Ah Hoe Mee Pok: Japanese Mee Pok man's master!

Langkah-langkah membuat Mee Pok (Pork)

  1. Goreng bawang merah sampe marang sisihkan.
  2. Sisakan bawang merah di pan tumis sayur asin dan daging yg sudah dicincang..
  3. Masukan bahan diatas kemuadian tambah air sedikit jika kurang hitam kasih kicap lgi. Koreksi rasa dan angkat..
  4. Siapkan mangkok beri minyak sisa goreng bawang merah tadi. (Tdk perlu tambahan apapun karna daging uda ada rasa).
  5. Rebus mee 1-2min celup2 angkat dan celup ke air dingin celup lagi ke air rebusan sebentar- kemudian angkat dan tuang ke mangkok yg ada minyak tadi..
  6. Sajikan dan beri daging diatas mee tambang bawang goreng. Yuhuuu. Selamat mkn 👌👌.

Traditionally, the essence of a good mee pok is the simply the flavour of pork in combination with the noodles. If you love mee pok then you have to make your way down here. All specially selected freshest ingredients with superior soup cooked with perfect timing for the springy noodle. Updated the name to li yuan alr, lets see how long Burpple takes to change it. Pork was quite tender and in generous portions, and the sauce was quite diluted in a v.