Cara Membuat Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice yang Renyah!

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Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice. Japanese Garlic Fried Rice, or what we call Garlic Rice (ガーリックライス) in Japan, reminds me of my college days when I used to cook this dish over and over. Besides garlic, other common ingredients in Japanese Garlic Fried Rice are butter and parsley. My Japanese garlic butter fried rice has a special ingredient and you'll never guess what it is!

Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice Just basic garlic fried rice recipe with few ingredients in your pantry. I do like simple recipes like these. Came across in this in Youtube in a Thai cooking channel, but it was Japanese. Kawan-kawan dapat menghidangkan Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice hanya dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice yuk!

Bahan Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice

  1. Gunakan 1 1/2 cup beras (lebih enak memakai Beras Jepang).
  2. Gunakan 2 cup air untuk memasak nasi.
  3. Siapkan 1-2 sdm unsalted butter.
  4. Siapkan 2-3 sdm mayonaise Kewpie.
  5. Gunakan 6 siung bawang putih, cincang halus.
  6. Dibutuhkan 2 butir telur, kocok lepas.
  7. Dibutuhkan 4 sosis sapi, potong-potong.
  8. Siapkan 2 lembar dendeng (optional), potong-potong.
  9. Sediakan 150 gr jamur champignon, potong-potong kecil.
  10. Diperlukan secukupnya Soy Sauce Kikkoman.
  11. Sediakan secukupnya Garlic powder.
  12. Gunakan secukupnya Garam dan kaldu jamur.
  13. Dibutuhkan sesuai selera Parsley.

Thought I would make a vegan version of it. Garlic Fried Rice Cauliflower Fried Rice Japanese Fried Rice Pacific Cod Garlic Uses Ginger Sauce How To Cook Eggs Garlic Butter Meals For The Week. With plenty of garlic stir fried with rice, this classic Japanese garlic fried rice recipe is quick, easy, healthy, and most importantly, delicious! The seductively savory combination of soy sauce, sake, butter, and garlic seasons this chicken-and-egg fried rice.

Langkah-langkah membuat Japanese Garlic Butter Fried Rice

  1. Cuci beras seperti biasa dan rendam dalam air selama 30 menit. Lalu saring beras dan ayak sebentar untuk memisahkan beras dari air rendaman..
  2. Masak beras di panci, jangan lupa ditutup. Begitu airnya meletup-letup, hitung 10 menit dengan stopwatch. Kecilkan api agar nasi di bagian bawah panci tidak gosong..
  3. Setelah nasi matang, angkat panci dari atas kompor, lalu hitung lagi 10 menit dengan stopwatch. Panci masih dalam keadaan tertutup karena proses steaming masih berjalan..
  4. Pindahkan nasi, campurkan mayonaise. Aduk rata. Sisihkan..
  5. Panaskan teflon, tumis bawang putih dengan unsalted butter hingga wangi. Masukkan sosis, jamur, dan dendeng..
  6. Masukkan nasi, tambahkan soy sauce. Aduk rata. Pinggirkan di teflon..
  7. Masukkan telur, orak-arik. Aduk rata dengan nasi. Tambahkan garam dan kaldu jamur. Koreksi rasa. Jika ingin nasi yang lebih wangi bawang putih, tambahkan garlic powder..
  8. Taburkan parsley. Sajikan selagi hangat..

It's a complete meal that the whole family will devour. Day-old rice works best in this recipe, so plan ahead. This Japanese fried rice recipe is the the way we like it in Maison Phelps - but it's basically a blueprint for you to add your own cooking chops to. For Extra-Garlicky Rice, Make Garlic-Infused Butter and Crunchy Garlic Chips. Melt a generous knob of butter (hey, butter is the star here, so no Once off the heat, place a clean tea towel under the lid to absorb any excess liquid.