Resep: Fried mashed potato mozarella Untuk Pemula!

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Fried mashed potato mozarella. These mozzarella stuffed deep fried mashed potato balls contains no meat. Your mashed potatoes should be stiff so that when stuffed with a mozzarella cube, you can wrap the mashed potatoes around it and still hold its shape. Transform spare spuds into this quick and easy recipe for Cheesy Leftover Mashed Potato Pancakes topped with sour cream or yogurt.

Fried mashed potato mozarella They are deep fried mashed potato balls with mozzarella cheese in the center. They are formed to be the size and shape of a normal potato. I thought that they were called panzarotti, but those are Italian dumplings. Kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Fried mashed potato mozarella hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep enak sekali Fried mashed potato mozarella!

Bahan Fried mashed potato mozarella

  1. Gunakan Kentang 1 kg (direbus).
  2. Sediakan Cooking cream 100 ml (susu cair).
  3. Gunakan 8 sdm Butter.
  4. Siapkan Keju kraft (diparut, bisa diskip).
  5. Gunakan Mozarella (dipotong dadu).
  6. Gunakan Parsley (secukupnya).
  7. Dibutuhkan Bread crumbs.
  8. Sediakan 2 butir Telur.
  9. Dibutuhkan Garam (secukupnya).
  10. Gunakan Blackpepper (secukupnya).
  11. Diperlukan Kaldu ayam bubuk (klau saya ga pake).

I want to make these today so I am looking for a recipe. Mix mashed potatoes, egg, flour, and salt together in a bowl. Top with the remaining mozzarella and bread crumbs. Serve on a small decorative platter or pass as a small bite.

Langkah-langkah membuat Fried mashed potato mozarella

  1. Haluskan kentang yg sudah direbus, sisihkan.
  2. Masak butter, lalu tambahkan cooking cream, masak sebentar saja, lalu tuang kedalam wadah kentang yg sudah halus, aduk rata.
  3. Masukkan keju, garam, blackpepper, parsley yg dipotong halus, aduk rata..
  4. Setelah itu, ambil adonan kentang sedikit lalu masukkan mozarella yg dipotong dadu, dibentuk bulat atau oval (sesuai selera). Bentuk semua adonan sampai habis. Lalu masukkan kedalam freezer selama 1 jam (supaya ga berubah bentuk).
  5. Keluarkan bola2 kentang dari freezer, celup ke dalam telur yg sudah dikocok, angkat lalu selimuti dengan tepung roti..
  6. Lalu digoreng sampai golden brown deh... Boleh difrozen sebagian buat stock cemilan 😊.

These deliciously different mashed potatoes are a companion post to my Blackened Pork Chops and the perfect accompaniment. To get the blackened pork chop recipe, please click here. To learn how to make these potatoes, keep reading. I'm sparing you a long winded tale because I've already done. Fried Mashed Potato Balls from are crunchy, pillowy delights.